W4BFB Club Officers
President | Steve McAtee | NØJJO |
Vice-President | Dave Nicholson | W4AYS |
Secretary | Jon Greene | KK4ZIZ |
Treasurer | Mary Hunt | N4MH |
Director (2023-2024) | Mitch Barbato | KX4MB |
Director (2023-2024) | Steve Nosko | W4SJN |
Director (2024-2025) | John Yarbrough | AE4PX |
Director (2024-2025) | Tom Hunt | KA3VVJ |
Director (2024-2025) | Steven Burke | KI4FAQ |
Regular club meetings are reserved for all about Ham Radio while trying to keep ‘club business items’ to the minimum required. All of the business items and the planning required to make things happen for all of us is done at our Board of Directors meetings.
These meetings are usually the first Tuesday evening of each month beginning at 7:00 p.m. in our clubroom at the American Red Cross, 2425 Park Road. Any club member is always welcome at a board meeting. If you would like to see something happen in our club then this is the place to come. So what do the club officers do there?
President – Presides at meetings, is a great coordinator, knows a little bit about everything and everybody, tries to delegate projects to others, answers many telephone calls and emails from members, and serves as a major focal point in our club from the community.
Vice President – Tries to remember whatever the president forgets, often gets delegated to, presides when necessary, is responsible for searching out really interesting club meeting programs, and then coordinates with program presenters. Tries to be a mentor and is a very good contact point for a member who would like to have the board consider something.
Secretary – Keeps minutes of all board meetings and regular club meetings, then prepares the minutes for our newsletter. Keeps accurate club roster information and provides the newsletter e-mail information for each newsletter.
Treasurer – Collects the money and pays the bills. Keeps accurate up-to-date financial status of our club, and reports that to the board of directors. Makes the bank deposits, writes the checks, and reconciles the account statements each month. Each June the treasurer, as the budget committee chairman, proposes a new budget to the board and to all members, for approval. If you want the club to spend money on something, the treasurer is a good place to start your lobbying.
Five Board Members – Each serves a two year term of office, so 3 are elected at one election, and the other 2 the next election. These people are usually experienced in one or many facets of Ham radio, have lots of common sense and enthusiasm, are the eyes and ears to know what we should do next, and usually get the chance to promote their favorite part of Ham radio. They also keep the other officers straight because some were around last year and some will be around next year.
We encourage everyone to contribute some time and talent as a club officer or board member. It’s a chance to be as busy as you want to be, to know more of our members, and to do it all for the entire Ham Radio community.