Ham of the Year

MARS Ham of the Year

Each year we reward an individual’s efforts with a “Ham of the Year” award. The idea came from a bull session at our September 1985 monthly club meeting when Jack Barr WD4JWO, nominated Jeffrey Blythe KA4WYC, for his efforts and dedication to public service events. Some people don’t change, Jeff was our first Ham of the Year and he’s still one of our most dedicated public service hams.

The tradition has continued.  Our reigning Ham of the Year chooses his successor, and at our holiday party, presents the award.  It’s then the job of the new Ham of the Year to pay attention throughout that next year, because he knows he has to choose a worthy successor.  Choosing the right person is a difficult task, but we try to give most consideration to service to our club, our community, and to other Hams.  This is another reason to get involved in our club activities, and another reason to come to our holiday party to share in the kudos.

Ham of the Year Hall of Fame

2023WB2NHQJohn White
2022KK4HOKCharles Comerford
2021W3DQSAndy Beary
2020KX4MBMitch Barbato
2019N4MHMary Hunt
2018W4SJNSteve Nosko
2017N4PSNP. Susan Nosko
2016KE4PSAJerry Hodgson
2015KK4ZIZJon Greene
2014K4VCFPaul Jones
2013KK4HOKCharles Comerford
2012K4NETBryan Ferdinand
2011KX4MBMitch Barbato
2010AC4ZRBill Newsome
2009K4GKKAndy Hawkins
2008K4KAYEarl Fortner
2007KI4CXOJodie Rowland
2006K4KRWRichard Dodd
2005WB2RHMBen Antanaitis
2004W4WNTBill Turner
2003N4MHMary Hunt
2002WB2NHQJohn White
2001W4OHDaryl Sampson
2000K4RSGShawn Goodin
1999WB4PCSWilton McAllister
1998KS4OXElena Maya-Scott
1997K4RSGShawn Goodin
1996N0WPBill Pond
1995KI4YVBob Southworth
1994W4PVTMac Wood
1993WB2NHQJohn White
1992KB4UFOOtis Pruitt
1991N4MHMary Hunt
1990KK4FCRalph Eubanks
1990N4ROLMark Roberts
1989KI4YVBob Southworth
1985KA4WYCJeff Blythe