Amateur Radio License Test Exam Sessions
All MARS-sponsored Amateur Radio exam sessions are open to all applicants. The exams are held in the Gymnasium building behind St. Giles Evangelical Presbyterian Church at 2027 Emerywood Avenue in Charlotte. All exams start at 9:00AM – Please arrive by 8:45AM. Pre-registration is required for our test sessions. Please send an email to our VE Team Manager [here] or call 704-641-0959. You may also contact us if you need additional information.
Please bring the following to the test session: | Scheduled Sessions |
WCARS-VEC Exam fee of $10.00 (Cash Preferred) | Saturday, February 8th, 2025 |
Photo ID (Drivers License / Passport) | Saturday, April 26, 2025 |
Your original Amateur License and a copy | Saturday, August and November (TBA), 2025 |
Any CSCE’s and copies from previous exams |
All applicants must have an FCC FRN to register for an exam. For more information, please watch the instructional video on YouTube [here] or visit Registration starts promptly at 9:00 am. Exams are administered for all of the Amateur Radio License categories (Technician, General and Extra) at each session. The Session is structured so that all applicants complete the registration process and forms first, then these are checked for legibility and the WCARS exam processing fee is collected. Once the paperwork is correct, the multiple-choice exams are handed out to those taking the exams. The exams are not timed so that applicants can take them without being rushed. The exams are graded during the session by three trained Volunteer Examiners, and the results (passed/failed) are shared at that time. If a person passes one exam, they are eligible to take the next Class license exam at the same exam session. We ask our applicants to stay on site until the exam results are known and the exam paperwork can be completed. Our results are then submitted to the WCARS-VEC that in turn submits them to the FCC. Once the results are in the FCC database, the FCC will send an email to each new licensee requesting the $35 application fee. This fee must be paid within 10 calendar days or the FCC voids your application and requires you to take the exam again. New callsigns are then generated and published. For upgrades, these are actively posted in the FCC database at the same time.
Amateur radio operators may confirm their callsigns by checking the FCC Universal Licensing System [here] and selecting the “By Name” search in the box. If you have not received your FCC email within 5 days, please contact the Exam Session Manager to see if a correction is needed.
The Mecklenburg VE Team tries to accommodate special testing needs such as providing verbal exams. If you have a special need, you must request an accommodation at least two full weeks before the testing date so that the Exam Manager can determine if we can meet your need. The all-volunteer Mecklenburg VE Team cannot guarantee that special need requests can be honored at all testing sessions.
If you have any questions, please contact Steven Burke, KI4FAQ, MARS-WCARS VEC Liaison [here] or call 704-641-0959.