
Welcome to the website of the Mecklenburg Amateur Radio Society, an active affiliate club of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL).

Based in Charlotte, NC, the club has been serving Amateur Radio Operators, or Hams, in Mecklenburg County and the surrounding areas since it was founded in 1949.

We are incorporated in North Carolina as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Our primary focus is to provide valuable training, actively promote the amateur radio hobby, and most of all – have fun!

Monthly Club Meeting

Our club’s regular monthly meeting is held on the last Tuesday of each month (except December) beginning at 7:00pm, at St. Giles Evangelical Presbyterian Church, 2027 Emerywood Avenue, Charlotte NC. All visitors are Welcome.

Club meeting’s are where we can all come together to see old friends, make new friends, meet the person that goes with the voice and the callsign, find someone to help with a radio problem, learn other’s experience with a piece of gear, or just plain yak with someone. We tell war stories, encourage new Hams, encourage old Hams, divulge our secret techniques of operating or fixing, discuss current Ham radio events, promote upcoming public service events or remember those we have done.

For most meetings, we try to enlist an interesting presentation of a program topic about something in the communications world. We have had some very interesting topics presented. Sometimes we explain what’s required and how to accomplish the best hamfest in the southeast, sometimes we horsetrade radio fleas at a club auction, and when December comes, we get all gussied up for our annual Holiday party.

It’s important to come to club meetings because that’s where everything comes together. You get to lobby members of our Board of Directors (and they really like to hear what everyone is interested in because it makes their job easier). Club meetings are such an important part of our group that we require attendance of at least 7 of the last 12 meetings to be eligible for nomination to our Board of Directors.


W4BFB Repeaters

145.230 (118.8Hz) – Located on Spencer Mountain

145.290 (118.8Hz) – Located Wells Fargo downtown Charlotte

146.940 (118.8Hz) – Located on Orr Rd in northeast Charlotte

224.400 (-) – Located on Orr Rd in northeast Charlotte

444.600 (118.8) + Located Wells Fargo downtown Charlotte

440.550 (+) DMR Located on Duke Energy in Charlotte, connected to the NCPRN system