[W4BFB Members] Club Meeting September 26th, this week!
Eric Webner
K4FAN at w4bfb.org
Mon Sep 25 13:29:42 EDT 2017
I hope everyone has fun with this unusual meeting plan. Bring anything that
didn't sell at the Shelby hamfest. Sure wish I could join you.
Eric K4FAN
President, Mecklenburg Amateur Radio Society
Member, Carolina DX Association and
Charlotte Digital Radio Group
On Sep 24, 2017 19:48, "Mitch Barbato via Members" <members at w4bfb.org>
> CQ CQ CQ!!!
> The weather forecast for Tuesday is "Partly Cloudy" with a 10% chance of
> rain, so I fully expect that we'll have another successful Mobile Rig Drive
> In!
> In addition to the Drive In to show off mobile rigs, we'll be having a
> SWAP MEET! So please bring whatever you'd like to sell or trade and we'll
> tailgate in a "non-Panthers-game" fashion. :-)
> Now that said, we are surely not going to have no snacks, that just
> wouldn't be right, so Mary and Tom are going to set up snack tables outside
> the Gym on the sidewalk. This will allow people to walk around and graze
> on snacks and drinks at the same time.
> Because it gets pretty dark about 7:30 PM, we're NOT going to start the
> meeting inside. We'll be outside until about dark, then head in. So,
> because of the shortness of good light, here's the plan:
> 1. A number of us will be there by 6:00 PM to get set up.
> 2. I suggest that everybody gets to the church lot for the Drive In by at
> least 6:00 PM, or of course whenever you can make it.
> 3. We will head inside around the time it gets dark.
> 4. We should have two presentations inside - one on JAARS from Bill Foust,
> and a Field Day Followup by Charles, KK4HOK.
> 5. We'll cover our typical "club business" as well.
> Please join us (early) at St. Giles Church, 2027 Emerywood Drive,
> Charlotte, NC 28210!
> Also, the pre-meeting dinner will be at McAlister’s Deli, 4805 Park Rd
> #101, Charlotte, NC 28209. Folks should plan on getting there around 5:00
> if possible.
> We'll see you Tuesday night!
> 73-
> Mitch Barbato
> Vice President, Mecklenburg Amateur Radio Society
> kx4mb
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