[W4BFB Members] Club Meeting September 26th, this week!

Mitch Barbato mitch at kx4mb.net
Sun Sep 24 19:47:32 EDT 2017


The weather forecast for Tuesday is "Partly Cloudy" with a 10% chance of
rain, so I fully expect that we'll have another successful Mobile Rig Drive

In addition to the Drive In to show off mobile rigs, we'll be having a SWAP
MEET!  So please bring whatever you'd like to sell or trade and we'll
tailgate in a "non-Panthers-game" fashion.  :-)

Now that said, we are surely not going to have no snacks, that just
wouldn't be right, so Mary and Tom are going to set up snack tables outside
the Gym on the sidewalk.  This will allow people to walk around and graze
on snacks and drinks at the same time.

Because it gets pretty dark about 7:30 PM, we're NOT going to start the
meeting inside.  We'll be outside until about dark, then head in.  So,
because of the shortness of good light, here's the plan:

1. A number of us will be there by 6:00 PM to get set up.

2. I suggest that everybody gets to the church lot for the Drive In by at
least 6:00 PM, or of course whenever you can make it.

3. We will head inside around the time it gets dark.

4. We should have two presentations inside - one on JAARS from Bill Foust,
and a Field Day Followup by Charles, KK4HOK.

5. We'll cover our typical "club business" as well.

Please join us (early) at St. Giles Church, 2027 Emerywood Drive,
Charlotte, NC  28210!

Also, the pre-meeting dinner will be at McAlister’s Deli, 4805 Park Rd
#101, Charlotte, NC 28209.  Folks should plan on getting there around 5:00
if possible.

We'll see you Tuesday night!

Mitch Barbato
Vice President, Mecklenburg Amateur Radio Society
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