[W4BFB Members] ***SPAM*** Re: M2MEN controller
Rick Matteson
nc.rick at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 26 20:30:11 EDT 2017
Did anyone else offer to take this net or should I take it? Since I offered to be standby I will honor that offer unless someone else already made arrangements.
Also, Mike, I too wanted to offer my prayers to your father in law for a full and quick recovery as well as to your family during this difficult time. May the Lord offer him His mercy during recovery as well as give strength to your family as you offer your support.
Rick Matteson - KA4WXS
KA4WXS at gmail.com
Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 24, 2017, at 9:30 PM, Rodney Moore <rodneymoore at mindspring.com> wrote:
> Mike you don't worry about the net we will get it taken care of. I hope all goes well with your father in law. We will keep your father in law and wife along with you in our thoughts and prayers. Be safe on your trip.
> Rodney Moore
> (W2ROD)
>> On Sep 24, 2017, at 8:57 PM, Rick Matteson via Members <members at w4bfb.org> wrote:
>> Hey Mike,
>> If someone else could take it that would be great since my evenings have been getting a little hectic however if you cannot find someone else to take it then I will. That way you at least have a standby guaranteed.
>> Please shoot me a text message to (716) 361-6560 by 4:00-5:00pm on Tuesday if you don't get any other volunteer to let me know so I can plan accordingly. I would like to go to the club meeting that night but I'm sure I can work out something to make sure the net is covered.
>> Sound good my friend?
>> 73,
>> Rick Matteson - KA4WXS
>> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
>> On Sun, Sep 24, 2017 at 7:42 PM, Mike Folk via Members
>> <members at w4bfb.org> wrote:
>> All, I had agreed to be the net controller on Tuesday night, Sept 26th for Stan. This morning my wife learned that her 93 year old father had fallen and broken his hip. We need to be in VA tomorrow when the are to operate oh him to repair the break.
>> Is there anyone that can take the net for me Tuesday?
>> Thanks,
>> Mike Folk-KK4JFM
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