[W4BFB Members] 2017 CPCC GeekFest

wb2nhq wb2nhq at carolina.rr.com
Mon Sep 25 15:53:22 EDT 2017

I just had a call from Barry Gilmore at CPCC Levine Campus.
He would like us to bring a Ham Radio demo to the GeekFest
again this year, Thursday Nov 9 (we usually install antennas the day
before that).

  He thinks the 'digital radio' aspect works well for the demo as we
have done in recent years (ie. HF PSK-31, VHF Packet sending emails
via RMS), but we decide.   We need at least: 2 installers, 2-3 operators, 
and 2 interpreters to explain to visiting geeks, what we are doing.
  This is prime public relations, it's a busy day but a fun day.  Think
about it, good help needed, reply to wb2nhq at arrl.net .  We have to put
a face on Ham Radio. More info at the club meeting Tuesday.
  We need to register soon.

73  John

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