[W4BFB Members] Fwd: [W4BFB Board] Net Control and Net Relay Operators Needed For International SATERN SSB Net During Maria Operations
Eric Webner
K4FAN at w4bfb.org
Mon Sep 25 13:47:53 EDT 2017
Hello W4BFB-ers,
Please see below. I'd imagine that with the extreme devastation of Puerto
Rico and surrounding areas that this net may still be an operation and in
need of assistance. I know my wife has a co-worker who is still trying to
get Health and Welfare information from a town near San Juan. I strongly
encourage you to help if you can. Remember, this is why we exist!
Eric K4FAN
President, Mecklenburg Amateur Radio Society
Member, Carolina DX Association and
Charlotte Digital Radio Group
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Jahnke, Bart, W9JJ via Board" <board at w4bfb.org>
Date: Sep 22, 2017 20:36
Subject: [W4BFB Board] Net Control and Net Relay Operators Needed For
International SATERN SSB Net During Maria Operations
To: "Contest" <contest at arrl.org>
Cc: "Jahnke, Bart, W9JJ" <w9jj at arrl.org>
If able to assist, see instructions in email below…
Bart Jahnke, W9JJ
Contest Branch Manager
*ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio™*
*225 Main St*
*Newington CT 06111*
860-594-0232 <(860)%20594-0232>
w9jj at arrl.org
*From:* Bill.Feist at uss.salvationarmy.org [mailto:Bill.Feist at uss.
salvationarmy.org <Bill.Feist at uss.salvationarmy.org>]
*Sent:* Friday, September 22, 2017 11:03 AM
*To:* Corey, Michael, KI1U <KI1U at arrl.org>; Paul.A.English.civ at Mail.mil;
kc0yhm at hwn.org
*Cc:* AG6SV at att.net; BobRgrs at Hotmail.com; Flo_Knox at usn.salvationarmy.org;
Tameka.Sharp at usn.salvationarmy.org
*Subject:* Net Control and Net Relay Operators Needed For International
SATERN SSB Net During Maria Operations
TO: Mike Corey (KI1U), ARRL Emergency Preparedness Manager
Paul English (WD8DBY0, U.S. Army MARS Program Manager
Mike Webb (KCØYHM), Hurricane Watch Net Assistant Net Manager
CC: Ken Gilliand (AG6SV), International SATERN SSB Net Manager
Bob Rogers (WA5EEZ), International SATERN SSB Net Assistant Net Manager
Flo Knox (KB3YAT) Salvation Army National Disaster Specialist
Tameka Sharp, Salvation Army National Government Relations Specialist
The International SATERN SSB Net has been in daily operation from 0900 (CT)
/ 1400 Z until at least 1800 (CT) / 2300 Z (at least until 1900 or 2000
(CT) the last two days) since this past Tuesday, 19 September 2017. SATERN
had initially planned on terminating the Net operations for Hurricane Maria
by today, Friday, 22 September 2017, However, the amount of Health &
Welfare messages flowing through the Net the last two days is expected to
continue today and likely through at least Sunday or Monday (25 September).
Hurricane Maria is now the fourth activation of the International SATERN
SSB Net in a month. As a result, our dedicated group of Net Control and
Net Relay Stations are very tired and it is time to reach out for some
Therefore, I am asking the ARRL, HWN and MARS to reach out to their
operators to ask them to assist the International SATERN SSB Net in one of
two ways:
1. By signing up for a one hour slot as Net Control Operators sometime on
Saturday, Sunday and / or Monday. To do this send an email to the
following people indicating what time(s) they are available from 0900 (CT)
/ 1400 Z until 1800 (CT) / 2300 Z any one or more of those three days:
Operators interested in being a Net Control Operator should contact:
Net Manager Ken Gilliland (AG6SV) at AG6SV at ATT.net
Assistant Net Manager Bob Rogers (WA5EEZ) at BobRgrs at Hotmail.com
We are looking for experienced, qualified Net Control Operators who have
had some experience as both a Net Control Operator and in handling messages
by voice. Net Control Operators with a strong signal (power, antennas,
etc.) and / or bilingual would be a valuable additional asset / skill.
The Net is operating on 14.265 MHz.
2. For those who may not wish to be a Net Control Operator or simply want
to do more in addition to that, SATERN always needs Net Relay Stations to
simply check-in and assist that hour's Net Control Station. With Net
Control Stations operating from all over the country, they often may not
hear a station with message traffic. As a result they rely on the Net
Relay Stations to assist them with that. Stations with a strong
propagation path into the Caribbean (especially Puerto Rico, the U.S.
Virgin Islands and others) are especially valuable. Again, bilingual
operators are a particular asset in this operation.
As National SATERN Liaison, I sincerely thank each of you for being willing
to help out in this operation.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to
contact me at any time.
Board mailing list
Board at w4bfb.org
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