[W4BFB Members] ARES/RACES/AUXCOMM/HAM RADIO response to needs

Rick Matteson nc.rick at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 7 21:02:52 EDT 2017

I second that. Cliff has a level of commitment that is second to none. Anyone who participates or at least listens to the Wednesday night 7:30pm ARES training net knows that Cliff has an extensive amount of knowledge and always seems to be a step ahead with his planning.

Thanks for all you do Cliff. I won't be able to deploy since I have a family obligation to my kids however should the EHTF (PG version of the saying that usually starts with 'S') come Monday and/or Tuesday then I will try to make myself available for NCS duty from my QTH if we need to run resource nets.

73 to all, stay safe and God bless,
Rick Matteson

Sent from my iPad

> On Sep 7, 2017, at 2:19 PM, wb2nhq via Members <members at w4bfb.org> wrote:
> Well done Cliff !!!   You’re really good at your job….  73,  WB2NHQ
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