[W4BFB Members] ARES/RACES/AUXCOMM/HAM RADIO response to needs

Jeff Ray jeff.ray7 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 7 15:21:15 EDT 2017


Brandon - KM4FLU and  I (Jeff KM4FLV) Have checked our gear, got our family
emergency kit together, and have charged all radio batteries and have
standby battery power for the 2 Meter base station, may even be able to run
HF battery if need be. Resources are 2 HT's, HF with bands of 40,20,15 and
10. Able to do digital, cw and sideband. (3) 2 meter radios, one base and
two mobile. One HT is 440 and the base is a 2 meter/440. One HT has 220 as
well as 2 meter.  We are standing by and are able and willing to be
deployed, boots on the ground, or Brandon to serve as a net control
station. We do have a 4 wheel drive vehicle and it is being checked over by
the shop on Friday morning. Our Jeeps are outfitted with 2 meter only
Kenwood 281's.

Please feel free to call us into service at anytime. I pray that the storm
will pass us by and we will not be needed, but if so, we stand ready.

Jeff Ray

On Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 4:00 AM, Cliff Greene via Members <members at w4bfb.org>

> Good Morning!
> First of all our prayers go out to all of those in need, both now and in
> the near future.
> Second, tensions are high out there, people are panicked, mad, scared,
> upset, and yes I was cussed out a few times yesterday.
> So if we were needed to support upcoming activities we need to bring our
> calming presence first of all and watch after each other if we are becoming
> tired or are loosing our own calming attitude.
> If we were needed for some form of deployment I just want to mention just
> how many people that can take. As a reminder if we were sent to a shelter
> just for a couple of days we would be looking at 2 people minimum per shift
> for 3 shift operational periods per day so that is 6 people. Did I say
> minimum? Then there would be some relief people. Then there would be people
> back at the club rooms with resources preparing for the next day. So you
> can see how one simple activity could involve 16 people just for that one
> activity.
> One thing that we have been trying to shift emphasis to is that
> ARES/RACES/AUXCOMM/HAM RADIO is also like "boots on the ground" after the
> fashion of PSG and SKYWARN. So if there weren't cell service or reports
> from an area of flooding or other significant event - our credible timely
> report to those we serve before they get information - otherwise is greatly
> needed and respected. So we are not all about deployments to feel needed -
> we are also and importantly - about timely data and information. -aka
> "boots on the ground."
> Also, we have people who can't drive, we have young adults, etc. We have
> resources to run nets and cover vast radio footprints. Think of this - if
> we are needed - we have young adults - who are in various parts of the
> radio footprint - who are already great net controllers - who could call
> and coordinate the lists of resources.
> We have a great family of highly skilled and motivated operators. Pray
> that we are not needed. Any availability - if you are needed is greatly
> appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Cliff Greene WB4NCQ
> Mecklenburg County Emergency Coordinator (EC)
> Charlotte Fire - RADO
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