[W4BFB Members] MS Bike Tour at Sunset Beach

Mary Hunt mhuntbc at gmail.com
Mon Sep 18 11:25:07 EDT 2017



Our next Public Service Event is on October 7 and 8.  It is a two day
cycling event that starts/finishes at Sea Trail Plantation, Sunset Beach.  


We still need several SAG Vehicles as well as we have lots of rest stops
open on Sunday.  


To sign up for the event - go out to www.w4bfb.org .  Select Activities from
the Menu items across the top.  On the next screen In the lower right corner
click on MS Break Away to the Beach.  The password to register is w4bfb.org.


If you plan to come down and work the event on both days, call the Sea Trail
Plantation at 800-975-6024, identify you are with the MS Bike Tour to get
the special discounted rate. 


If you have any questions please feel free to call me at 704-236-4476.  


Mary S Hunt, N4MH

Chairperson, Public Service Committee 

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