[W4BFB Members] to: BFB, CQ, Simplex, groups cc to served agency

Jeff Ray jeff.ray7 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 13 09:50:46 EDT 2017

Thank you for your service Cliff!

As always, Brandon and I's gear and knowledge is always available to help
serve the people of our community. Call on us anytime. We had a "go bag"
packed and by the door and a Jeep full of gas. It was our honor to stand by
ready to assit.

All the best
Jeff (KM4FLV) and Brandon (KM4FLU)

On Sep 13, 2017 9:27 AM, "Cliff Greene via Members" <members at w4bfb.org>

Brandon and Jeff,

Thanks for your standby service. Standby is frustrating but an honored

There are upcoming ideas so continue to be available.



*From:* Members <members-bounces at w4bfb.org> on behalf of Jeff Ray via
Members <members at w4bfb.org>
*Sent:* Monday, September 11, 2017 11:09 AM
*To:* W4BFB Members-Only List
*Cc:* Jeff Ray
*Subject:* Re: [W4BFB Members] to: BFB, CQ, Simplex, groups cc to served

Matt / Cliff

Brandon and I stand ready. We did do the online FEMA cert classes for ICS
100, 200, 700 and 800 back in July 2015. Of course a refresher would be
needed. Just let us know. Keep in mind Brandon is 17 but is only 4 months
shy of being 18.

Jeff Ray

On Mon, Sep 11, 2017 at 7:22 AM, Matt Young via Members <members at w4bfb.org>

> Good Morning Cliff,
> Any word on the shelters or need for ARES?
> Also, our "official" roster of contacts is low.  Steve and I were briefly
> discussing this. Could we expand it with potentials?  Thinking like Ray and
> Brandon that volunteered already. Obviously, some discussions, basic
> training, etc would be needed.  But as is, our official capacity is fairly
> limited.
> -Matt
> On Fri, Sep 8, 2017 at 11:52 AM, Cliff Greene via Members <
> members at w4bfb.org> wrote:
>> Good Afternoon!
>> ...just an update.
>> As always we pray for those in harms way.
>> Any alert level that I know of is just to be prepared.
>> There is word that there may be shelters - but remember we are not there
>> (if called) to run shelters. We do comms! So while we talk about shelters a
>> lot in training there is no current loss of comms nor is there is a call
>> for ARES to provide comms for any shelters we may be hearing about.
>> When we talk about "boots on the ground" we talk about a meaning of I am
>> at this spot and here is wot is going on. We wouldn't travel on our own to
>> seek out a situation to report. We don't self-deploy.
>> We have not talked about this clearly before, but if needed our served
>> agency calls us and then I or Matt Young or Steve Nosko, or John
>> White would act on the call provide support.
>> Thanks,
>> Cliff Greene WB4NCQ
>> Mecklenburg County EC
>> Charlotte Fire - RADO
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> --
> "I do not strive to be different for the sake of being different, but do
> not mind being different if my difference is the result of being myself." -
> Moondog
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