[W4BFB Members] ***SPAM*** RE: bfb, cq, simplex group, char/meck

Hauser, Gregory ghauser at ci.charlotte.nc.us
Tue Sep 12 15:54:25 EDT 2017

Excellent work folks... Keep it up and thank you for your vigilance.

Greg Hauser
Fire Alarm Superintendent/Manager
Charlotte Fire Department
Communications Division

From: Cliff Greene [mailto:wb4ncq_ares at hotmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2017 15:53
To: members at w4bfb.org; w4cq at w4cc.net; htperry.w4htp at gmail.com; Hauser, Gregory; Powell, David; kd4ozi at bellsouth.net; kmse at carolina.rr.com; Tom Brown N4TAB
Subject: bfb, cq, simplex group, char/meck

Good Afternoon!

As we stand down from this storm event I would like to thank each of you for your standby service.

I think we should say a prayer of thanks for not being "needed" in the big devastating way that this could have played out.

I would like to thank the ARES/RACES/AUXCOMM leadership for dotting i's and crossing t's for me as well as "just doing" all the things operators in a leadership chain do.

I would like to thank the state and char/meck in all the work that has been done laying the ground work so that the newly revised ARRL ARES/RACES/AUXCOMM Emergency Plan could be  completed and submitted and be consistent with the new char/meck plan.

Finally, when the numbers come in from PSG and MARS we will find that there was a remarkable number of operators committing to 72 hours of sheltered in place comms capability. (in a multi county region).


Cliff Greene WB4NCQ

Mecklenburg County EC


Charlotte Fire - RADO
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