[W4BFB Members] to bfb, cq, simplex group
Cliff Greene
wb4ncq_ares at hotmail.com
Mon Sep 11 15:36:40 EDT 2017
Good Afternoon,
It is just after 3 PM 9/11/2017 and as I understand it there is no great call up of agencies in our region to support this storm.
The wind/rain event is not yet here. If the storm does get here and the public information officer offers any public guidance at the conference call this evening I will certainly ask net control if I can make an announcement on the net at 9 PM. If any public information is published even after the net I will get onto 94/23 and call cq cq cq and make an announcement.
I know it is frustrating being in standby - but everyone in many agencies is in standby - pray a prayer of thanks that you are in standby and not deployed or devastated by the storm.
No one is unappreciated and properly prepared standby status is important -thank you for your preparations.
Please do not hesitate to contact me at wb4ncq_ares at hotmail.com if you have any questions.
I am about to ask John White Mars Net Manager if he will authorize the NCO for tonite to ask each person checking in if they are prepared to shelter in place for 3 days and run comms. I will also ask Greg Huffman if he will consider adding the answer to this question when checking into the PSG tonite.
Cliff Greene WB4NCQ
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